Menu Editor Progress... WIP

Tuesday, August 8th 2023 00:32 AM

You may have noticed something new at the top of the Settings page…


very cool and slick menu editor (highly experimental WIP)


This is our new prototype Menu Editor! We've been tinkering with it all day, exploring different concepts, and this one feels like we're on the right track. I'm pushing it so everyone can play around with it (it doesn't really do anything yet) and let me know how it feels.


Again, we went through several revisions before we landed on something that feels ~right. Directionally. I like how the menu preview is on top, just like on your site, and it reflects your accent color. Little things that feel obvious in retrospect. Originally the two panels were side-by-side, but it just got really tall and skinny and strange-feeling as the page count grew, especially on smaller displays.


Earlier proto. Meh. (Can a “meh” be resounding?)


We'll see how this little trial goes. So play around with the new dummy menu editor, and let us know what you think in the Feedback area of your site. 


Thanks for reading,




psuedo-@p 🖤