Feature some Listings!

Friday, August 11th 2023 01:13 AM

Look at them! Our first live components! Learned about preload which will come in handy when we start creating components that get used all over the place, and with more interactivity. These little guys mostly just sit in a bar on your page. But they do it so well!


Lots of work yet to do, and tidying up on the backend, but play around with them and let me know what you think. I'm very happy with the little badges and I'm starting to apply that style in a few other places too. I have a feeling I'm going to do all the buttons in this theme with nice touchable surfaces and borders like this.


Look at him BADGE


other things


Did some more work on the theme layout, and now we're getting the current page in liveviews from a handle_params hook, bypassing session and fixing a lot of issues I was causing for reasons I no longer remember. Nice!


Accordingly, the wallpaper section with the search bar now only appears on the home page. Otherwise, you get straight to the content.


I think there might be an issue with the mobile menu but I haven't gotten a chance to thoroughly test yet, and it might just be my beta iOS Safari acting up. If you notice weird behavior, let me know it's real. 


Finishing featured listings concludes this theme, and the next step is account settings, and then launch! Yay! So, featured listings should be finished tomorrow or the next day, hopefully.


It's 1:11 and I'm going to bed.








P.S. I may have discovered a few more tricks and hidden them around the site. Who knows.